Spectrum. A whole new chapter.

By March 11, 2016 Uncategorized

Today we published an update for Spectrum on the AppStore which includes a whole new challenging world.


One of our goals for this world was to use mechanics we already had, but in a whole different way. For instance, you’ll find air vents that help you beat obstacles instead of offering resistance. Another example is that in previous episodes you had to use triggers to get through levels, where now you’ll actually have to avoid triggers, since they’ll activate deadly obstacles. But we don’t want to give everything away, make sure you check it out.


We’re working hard on getting Spectrum ready for the PC. The game is looking better than ever (you can check the screenshots above), and should be available soon. You should hear from us very soon. Make sure you follow us on Twitter and Facebook, where we’ll keep you posted about our latest news.